J2SE 5, features added by, 16

jakarta.servlet package, 1161, 11621166, 1168

classes, list of core, 1165

interfaces, list of core, 1162

jakarta.servlet.http package, 1162, 11681173

interfaces and classes, list of some, 1168

JApplet class, 1065

JAR files. See Java Archive (JAR) files

jar tool, 447


and C, 3, 5, 7, 13

and C++, 3, 78, 13

and C#, 8

design features (buzzwords), 1315

history of, 3, 68, 1520

incubator modules, 480

and the Internet, 3, 6, 710, 14, 20, 795

as an interpreted language, 10, 1415

keywords. See Keywords

look and feels, 1063

open-source implementations of, 20, 27

preview features, 480

release schedule, 12, 19

as a strongly typed language, 14, 39, 45

versions of, 1520, 535536

and the World Wide Web, 7, 13

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