Working with String Arrays
Up to this point, all the arrays we’ve dealt with have consisted of Booleans or numbers. As our final Bingo-related example, Script 3.13 combines everything we’ve done previously with a string array to create the popular “Buzzword Bingo” game.
Script 3.13. A private game of Buzzword Bingo will liven up that next deadly dull staff meeting—just add your own text strings
var buzzwords = new Array ("Aggregate", "Ajax", "API", "Bandwidth", "Beta", "Bleeding edge", "Convergence", "Design pattern", "Disruptive", "DRM", "Enterprise", "Facilitate", "Folksonomy", "Framework", "Impact", "Innovate", "Long tail", "Mashup", "Microformats", "Mobile", "Monetize", "Open social", "Paradigm", "Podcast", "Proactive", "Rails", "Scalable", ... |
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