- Create the project from the following template:
$ sls create --template-url https://github.com/danteinc/js-cloud-native-cookbook/tree/master/ch2/micro-event-store --path cncb-micro-event-store
- Navigate to the cncb-micro-event-store directory with cd cncb-micro-event-store.
- Review the file named serverless.yml with the following content:
service: cncb-micro-event-storeprovider: name: aws runtime: nodejs8.10 iamRoleStatements: - Effect: Allow Action: - dynamodb:PutItem - dynamodb:Query Resource: Fn::GetAtt: [ Table, Arn ] environment: TABLE_NAME: Ref: Tablefunctions: listener: handler: handler.listener events: - stream: type: kinesis ... trigger: handler: handler.trigger events: - stream: type: dynamodb arn: Fn::GetAtt: ...