Chapter 2. Strings and Regular Expressions

Here’s a trivia question for your next JavaScript party: how many data types are there in the world’s most popular language?

The answer is eight, but they might not be what you expect. JavaScript’s eight data types are:

  • Number

  • String

  • Boolean

  • BigInt (for very large integers)

  • Symbol (for unique identifiers)

  • Object (the root of every other JavaScript type)

  • undefined (a variable that hasn’t been assigned a value)

  • null (a missing object)

The recipes in this book feature all of these ingredients. In this chapter, you’ll turn your focus to the text-manipulating power of strings.

Checking for an Existing, Nonempty String


You want to verify that a variable is defined, is a string, and is not empty before you use it.


Before you start working with a string, you often need to validate that it’s safe to use. When you do, there are different questions you might ask.

If you want to make sure that your variable is a string (not just a variable that can be converted to a string), you use this test:

if (typeof unknownVariable === 'string') {
  // unknownVariable is a string

If you want to check that you have a nonempty string (not the zero-length string ''), you can tighten your verification like this:

if (typeof unknownVariable === 'string' && unknownVariable.length > 0) {
  // This is a genuine string with characters or whitespace in it

Optionally, you may want to reject strings that are made up of whitespace ...

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