Chapter 6. Managing Browser Windows
Perhaps the most controversial aspect of applying DHTML techniques to web sites is messing with the browser window or windowing system. On the one hand, windows are pretty much outside the scope of Dynamic HTML, in as much as windows are merely containers for documents that adhere to one object model or another. But since the earliest days, windows have been part of the scripter’s bag of tricks, standing ready to enhance a user’s experience or torment the user with a variety of unexpected nonsense.
Most activity surrounding windows involves
the window
object. Although the
object has gained a large number of
properties and methods over the years, the implementation across
browsers is far from uniform. Part of the reason behind the disparity
of window
object features in browsers is that the
object is the most global context for
scripting tasks. Browsers such as
Internet Explorer for Windows take
advantage of this context to embed numerous properties and methods
that are tied to the browser application and the Windows operating
system. In contrast, Netscape Navigator (especially since Version 4)
empowers the window
object with properties that
are so potentially threatening to user privacy that they are
accessible only through scripts that are electronically tagged on the
server as being from a source to whom the user has explicitly given
permission to operate (called signed
Window Abuse
It’s unfortunate ...
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