Javascript Fundamentals I and II LiveLessons

Video description

JavaScript Fundamentals I and II provides you with all of the training you need to build world-class web applications. Begin with JavaScirpt basics, including control statements, functions, arrays, objects, events, CSS, DOM, and more. Then, master scripting with XML and RSS, and finish by learning to build the rich Ajax appliations that are taking the Web by storm!

Your instructor, Paul Deitel, delivers over 14 hours of world-class video training. Using the Deitels’ signature "live-code" approach, Paul teaches by analyzing complete working programs, not trivial code fragments.

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This video has a companion Video Enhanced book: JavaScript for Programmers by Paul J. Deitel and Harvey M. Deitel.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
    1. Introduction to Javascript Fundamentals I
  2. Lesson 1: Introduction to XHTML
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Installing Firebug and the Web Developer Toolbar in Firefox
    3. First XHTML example
    4. Heading elements h1 through h6
    5. Linking to other web pages
    6. Linking to an e-mail address
    7. Images in XHTML files
    8. Images as link anchors
    9. Inserting special characters
    10. Unordered list containing hyperlinks
    11. Nested and ordered lists
    12. Creating a basic table
    13. Complex XHTML table
    14. Form with hidden fields and a text box
    15. Form using a variety of components
    16. Internal hyperlinks to make pages more navigable
    17. Meta elements provide keywords and a description of a page
  3. Lesson 2: Cascading Style Sheets TM (CSS)
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Using inline styles
    3. Embedded style sheets
    4. Inheritance in style sheets
    5. External style sheet and Linking an external style sheet
    6. Absolute positioning of elements
    7. Relative positioning of elements
    8. Adding background images and indentation
    9. Element dimensions and text alignment
    10. Box model for block-level elements and Borders of block-level elements
    11. Floating elements
    12. CSS media types
    13. CSS drop-down menu
    14. Pt measurement for text size, User style sheet, User style sheet applied with pt measurement, em measurement for text size and U
  4. Lesson 3: Introduction to Scripting
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Displaying a line of text
    3. Printing one line with separate statements
    4. Printing on multiple lines with a single statement
    5. Alert dialog displaying multiple lines
    6. Prompt box used on a welcome screen
    7. Addition script (and Using the Firebug Debugger)
    8. Using equality and relational operators
  5. Lesson 4: Control Statements I
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Counter-controlled repetition to calculate a class average
    3. Sentinel-controlled repetition to calculate a class average
    4. Examination-results calculation
    5. Arithmetic assignment operators
    6. Increment and decrement operators and Preincrementing and postincrementing
  6. Lesson 5: Control Statements II
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Counter-controlled repetition
    3. Counter-controlled repetition with the for statement
    4. Summation with the for repetition structure
    5. Compound interest calculation with a for loop
    6. Using the switch multiple-selection statement
    7. Using the do..while repetition statement
    8. Using the break statement in a for statement
    9. Using the continue statement in a for statement
    10. Demonstrating logical operators
  7. Lesson 6: Functions
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Programmer-defined function square
    3. Programmer-defined maximum function
    4. Random integers, shifting and scaling
    5. Rolling a six-sided die 6000 times
    6. Craps game simulation
    7. Scoping example
    8. JavaScript global functions
  8. Lesson 7: Arrays
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Initializing the elements of an array
    3. Declaring and initializing arrays
    4. Summing elements of an array
    5. Dice-rolling program using an array instead of a switch
    6. Random image generation using arrays
    7. Passing arrays and individual array elements to functions
    8. Sorting an array with Array method sort
    9. Initializing multidimensional arrays
    10. Online quiz graded with JavaScript
  9. Summary
    1. Summary of Javascript Fundamentals I
  10. Introduction
    1. Introduction to Javascript Fundamentals II
  11. Lesson 1: Objects
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Finding information about JavaScript Objects
    3. String methods charAt, charCodeAt, fromCharCode, toLowercase
    4. String searching with indexOf and lastIndexOf
    5. String object methods split and substring
    6. String object XHTML markup methods
    7. Date and time methods of the Date object
    8. Using the window object to create and modify child windows
    9. Using cookies to store user identification data
    10. Rich welcome page using several JavaScript concepts and Online quiz in a child window
  12. Lesson 2: Document Object Model
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Demonstration of a document's DOM tree
    3. Basic DOM functionality
    4. Using the links collection
    5. Dynamic styles
    6. Dynamic styles used for animation
  13. Lesson 3: Events
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Event registration models
    3. Simple drawing program and some event object properties
    4. Events onmouseover and onmouseout
    5. Demonstrating the onfocus and onblur events
    6. Demonstrating the onsubmit and onreset events
    7. Canceling event bubbling
  14. Lesson 4: XML and RSS
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. XML that describes a baseball player's information
    3. XML used to mark up an article
    4. Business letter marked up as XML
    5. XML namespaces demonstration
    6. Default namespace demonstration
    7. Document Type Definition (DTD) for a business letter
    8. Schema-valid XML document describing a list of books. and XML Schema document for book.xml
    9. XML Schema document defining simple and complex types and XML document using the laptop element defined in computer.xsd
    10. Expression marked up with MathML and displayed in the Firefox browser and Algebraic equation marked up with MathML and displayed
    11. XML document that describes various sports and XSLT that creates elements and attributes in an XHTML document
    12. XML document containing book information and XSL document that transforms sorting.xml into XHTML
    13. Traversing an XML document using the XML DOM
    14. Rendering an RSS feed in a web page using XSLT and JavaScript
  15. Lesson 5: Ajax-Enabled Rich Internet Applications
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Classic web application reloading the page for every user interaction
    3. Ajax-enabled web application interacting with the server asynchronously
    4. Asynchronously display content without reloading the page
    5. Image catalog that uses Ajax to request XML data asynchronously
    6. Ajax-enabled address-book application
  16. Summary
    1. Summary of Javascript Fundamentals II

Product information

  • Title: Javascript Fundamentals I and II LiveLessons
  • Author(s):
  • Release date: May 2015
  • Publisher(s): Pearson
  • ISBN: 9780137045167