Book description
JavaScript is a must-have skill for all web developers. JavaScript: Novice to Ninja is a fun, practical, and comprehensive guide to the modern usage of this deceptively powerful language. Comprehensively updated to cover ECMAScript 6 and modern JavaScript development, the second edition of this step-by-step introduction to coding in JavaScript will show you how to to solve real-world problems, design eye-catching animations, build smarter forms, and develop richer applications.
- Learn the basics of JavaScript programming: functions, methods, properties, loops and logic
- Use events to track user interactions
- Build smarter web forms that improve the user experience
- Work with the document object model (DOM) and Ajax to dynamicall update your pages
- Add functionality to your apps using HTML5's powerful APIs
- Use Test Driven Development methodology to write more robust code
- Build a complete, working JavaScript quiz app from scratch
Publisher resources
Table of contents
- JavaScript: Novice to Ninja 2nd Edition
- Notice of Rights
- Notice of Liability
- Trademark Notice
- About Darren Jones
- About SitePoint
- Preface
Chapter 1: Hello, JavaScript
- Programming
- JavaScript
- The History of JavaScript
- The Browser Wars
- Web 2.0
- Standards
- Node.js
- JavaScript Versions
- The Future of JavaScript
- A Ninja Programming Environment
- Installing Node
- JavaScript In The Console
- Text Editors
- Your First JavaScript Program
- JavaScript in the Browser
- Three Layers of the Web
- Unobtrusive JavaScript
- Graceful Degradation and Progressive Enhancement
- Your Second JavaScript Program
- Don't Break the Web
- The Project: Quiz Ninja
- Chapter Summary
Chapter 2: Programming Basics
- Comments
- JavaScript Grammar
- Reserved Words
- Primitive Data Types
- Variables
- Naming Constants & Variables
- Direct Assignment and Assignment By Reference
- Strings
- String Properties and Methods
- Template Literals
- Symbols
- Numbers
- Number Methods
- Changing The Value of Variables
- Type Coercion
- Converting Between Strings and Numbers
- Undefined
- Null
- Booleans
- Logical Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Comparison
- Quiz Ninja Project
- Chapter Summary
Arrays, Logic, and Loops
- Initializing an Array
- Adding Values to Arrays
- Creating Array Literals
- Removing Values from Arrays
- Destructuring Arrays
- Array Properties and Methods
- Pop, Push, Shift, and Unshift
- Merging Arrays
- The join() Method
- Slicing and Splicing
- Reverse
- Sort
- Finding if a Value is in an Array
- Multidimensional Arrays
- Sets
- Converting Sets to Arrays
- Maps
- Converting Maps to Arrays
- Logic
- Loops
- Quiz Ninja Project
- Chapter Summary
- Functions
- Objects
- The Document Object Model
- Events
- Forms
- The Window Object
- Testing and Debugging
- Further Functions
Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Constructor Functions
- Static Methods
- Prototypal Inheritance
- Public and Private Methods
- Inheritance
- The Object Constructor
- Polymorphism
- Adding Methods to Built-in Objects
- Property Attributes and Descriptors
- Creating Objects from Other Objects
- Mixins
- Chaining Functions
- Binding this
- Borrowing Methods from Prototypes
- Composition Over Inheritance
- Quiz Ninja Project
- Chapter Summary
- Ajax
- Modern JavaScript Development
- Next Steps
Product information
- Title: JavaScript: Novice to Ninja, 2nd Edition
- Author(s):
- Release date: September 2017
- Publisher(s): SitePoint
- ISBN: 9781492064237
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