Chapter 8


In this chapter, you first discover the advantages of NoSQL databases and why so many new projects are using them. Then you find out how to install MongoDB, along with a native MongoDB driver for Node.

Next you learn how to use the MongoDB driver to create a database. You also find out how to read entries from the database using MongoDB's robust query options, such as regular expressions and operators. Furthermore, you learn how to update and delete database entries, completing the CRUD system.

After determining how to use the native MongoDB driver, you learn about Mongoose, an object modeling package for Node and MongoDB. Mongoose provides the familiar ability to save data in models and then sync these models to a MongoDB server, much like you do with Backbone in Chapter 3. Finally, you find out about other database modules for Node, such as the MySQL module and another NoSQL database called Redis.

What's So Good About NoSQL?

For a good 30 years, the dominant model for database design has been relational databases such as MySQL. However, a recent trend is moving away from conventional relational database models. This trend is known as NoSQL (or Not Only SQL). Non-relational, NoSQL databases are an attractive alternative for a variety of reasons, mainly scalability and simplicity. Considering that Node.js projects often share the same goals, it makes sense that many use a NoSQL database.


One of the main reasons to use a NoSQL database like MongoDB ...

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