
HTMLDocument — the root of an HTML document tree


DOM Level 1 HTML

Inherits from/Overrides

Node Document HTMLDocument


readonly HTMLCollection anchors

An array (HTMLCollection) of all anchors in the document. For compatibility with The Level 0 DOM, this array contains only <a> elements that have a name attribute specified; it does not include anchors created with an id attribute.

readonly HTMLCollection applets

An array (HTMLCollection) of all applets in a document. These include applets defined with an <object> tag and all <applet> tags.

HTMLElement body

A convenience property that refers to the HTMLBodyElement that represents the <body> tag of this document. For documents that define framesets, this property refers to the outermost <frameset> tag.

String cookie

Allows cookies to be queried and set for this document. See Document.cookie in the client-side reference section.

readonly String domain

The domain name of the server from which the document was loaded, or null if there is none. Contrast with the read/write Document.domain property in the client-side reference section.

readonly HTMLCollection forms

An array (HTMLCollection) of all HTMLFormElement objects in the document.

readonly HTMLCollection images

An array (HTMLCollection) of all <img> tags in the document. Note that for compatibility with the Level 0 DOM, images defined with an <object> tag are not included in this collection.

readonly HTMLCollection links

An array (HTMLCollection) ...

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