
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor() — query property attributes


ECMAScript 5


Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, name)



The object that is to have its property attributes queried.


The name of the property (or index of the array element) to query.


A property descriptor object for the specified property of the specified object, or undefined if no such property exists.


Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor() returns a property descriptor for the specified property of the specified object. A property descriptor is an object that describes the attributes and value of a property. See the sub-section below for complete details. Note that this is not a method to be invoked on an object: it is a global function and you must pass an object to it.

Property Descriptors

A property descriptor is an ordinary JavaScript object that describes the attributes (and sometimes the value) of a property. There are two kinds of JavaScript properties. A data property has a value and three attributes: enumerable, writable, and configurable. An accessor property has a getter and/or a setter method as well as enumerable and configurable attributes.

The descriptor for a data property looks like this:

    value:        /* any JavaScript value */,
    writable:     /* true or false */,
    enumerable:   /* true or false */,
    configurable: /* true or false */

The descriptor for an accessor property looks like this:

    get:          /* function or undefined: replaces the property value */,
    set:          /* function or ...

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