Accessing XML Data Using XPath Expressions

With the parsing out of the way, we can turn to how to access parts of the XML data. The JSTL XML library contains a number of actions for this purpose, similar to the ones you’re familiar with from the JSTL core library: <x:out>, <x:set>, <x:if>, <x:choose>, <x:when>, <x:otherwise>, and <x:forEach>. The main difference between the XML and the core flavor is that the XML actions use a special language for working with XML data, named XPath, instead of the standard JSP EL. XPath 1.0 is a W3C recommendation that has been around since 1999, and it’s used in XSLT stylesheets and other XML applications.[1] The language details are beyond the scope for this book, but here’s a brief summary.

An XPath expression identifies one or more nodes (root, elements, attributes, namespace attributes, comments, text, and processing instructions) in an XML document. The simplest expression type is a plain location path, similar to a Unix filesystem path, to a set of nodes in the document. For instance, the path /meerkat/image/url identifies the <url> element in the Meerkat XML document:

... <meerkat> <title>Meerkat: An Open Wire Service</title> <link></link> <description> Meerkat is a Web-based syndicated content reader providing a simple interface to RSS stories. While maintaining the original association of a story with a channel, Meerkat's focus is on chronological order -- the latest stories float to the top, regardless of their ...

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