Chapter 8. JavaServer Pages (JSP)
Terms you'll need to understand:
JavaServer Pages (JSP)
Implicit object
JSP container
JSP page life cycle
Tag library
Web application
Techniques you'll need to master:
Write and use JSP tags.
Given a JSP tag type, use the equivalent XML-based tags.
Use the page directive.
Import a Java class into the JSP page.
Use a session in a JSP page.
Declare that a JSP page is or uses an error page.
Understand the JSP page life cycle.
Use JSP's implicit objects: request, response, out, session, config, application, page, pageContext, and exception.
Write scriptlet code.
JavaServer Pages is Sun's technology for giving nonprogrammers a way to contribute to a Web application on the J2EE platform. It makes up ...
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