The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) is an XML document that describes a Web service, specifies its location, and describes the interfaces and methods (called port and operations, respectively, in WSDL-speak) that can be executed on the Web service. This is similar to how a type library is used to describe a COM component, or the role that Interface Definition Language (IDL) plays in the CORBA architecture.

WSDL Example

Listing 2.3 shows a WSDL document that describes a Web service that returns the price of a book.

Listing 2.3. WSDL Document
 <?xml version="1.0"?> <definitions name="BookPriceService" targetNamespace="http://xxxx.xxxx/bookprice.wsdl" xmlns:tns="http://xxxx.xxxx/bookprice.wsdl" xmlns:xsd="" ...

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