8.2. Creating and Packaging the Application
Creating and packaging this application involve several steps:
1. |
Starting the J2EE server and the deploytool*
2. |
Creating a topic
3. |
Creating a connection factory
4. |
Creating the J2EE application
5. |
Packaging the application client
6. |
Packaging the session bean
7. |
Packaging the message-driven bean
8. |
Specifying the JNDI names
Step 1, marked with an asterisk (*), is not needed if the server and deploytool are still running.
8.2.1. Starting the J2EE Server and the Deploytool
Before you can create and package the application, you must start the J2EE server and the deploytool. Follow these steps.
1. |
At the command line prompt, start the J2EE server:
j2ee -verbose |
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