The JBoss Server jaws.xml Descriptor DTD

The jaws.xml descriptor provides customization for the JBossCMP persistence engine. Listing B.2 gives the jaws_2_4.dtd file.

Listing B.2. The jaws_2_4.dtd File
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?> <!-- This is the XML DTD for the JAWS deployment descriptor. <!DOCTYPE jaws PUBLIC "-//JBoss//DTD JAWS 2.4//EN" ""> --> <!-- The jaws element is always the root (document) node of the jaws.xml deployment descriptor or the standardjaws.xml defaults document. All elements are declared as optional - if not given in jaws.xml, defaults will be read from standardjaws.xml --> <!ELEMENT jaws (datasource? , type-mapping? , debug? , default-entity? , enterprise-beans? , type-mappings?)> ...

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