Book description
JMP 10 Modeling and Multivariate Methods begins by showing you how to take advantage of classic modeling techniques such as linear, nonlinear, and mixed models. The book continues with discussions on neural networking, time series analysis, multivariate techniques, and stepwise regression along with many other JMP modeling and multivariate methods. Examples guide you through each analysis, and statistical references and algorithms are included.
Table of contents
- Cover Page
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Contents
- Learn About JMP
- Introduction to the Fit Model Platform
Fitting Standard Least Squares Models
- Example Using Standard Least Squares
- The Standard Least Squares Report and Options
- Regression Reports
- Estimates
- Effect Screening
- Factor Profiling
- Row Diagnostics
- Save Columns
- Effect Options
- Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) Method
- Method of Moments Results
- Singularity Details
- Examples with Statistical Details
Fitting Stepwise Regression Models
- Overview of Stepwise Regression
- Example Using Stepwise Regression
- The Stepwise Report
- Models with Crossed, Interaction, or Polynomial Terms
- Models with Nominal and Ordinal Terms
- Using the Make Model Command for Hierarchical Terms
- Performing Logistic Stepwise Regression
- The All Possible Models Option
- The Model Averaging Option
- Using Validation
- Fitting Multiple Response Models
- Fitting Generalized Linear Models
- Performing Logistic Regression on Nominal and Ordinal Responses
- Analyzing Screening Designs
- Performing Nonlinear Regression
- Creating Neural Networks
- Modeling Relationships With Gaussian Processes
- Fitting Dispersion Effects with the Loglinear Variance Model
- Recursively Partitioning Data
- Performing Time Series Analysis
- Performing Categorical Response Analysis
Performing Choice Modeling
- Introduction to Choice Modeling
- Product Design Engineering
- Data for the Choice Platform
- Example: Pizza Choice
- Launch the Choice Platform and Select Data Sets
- Platform Options
- Example: Valuing Trade-offs
- One-Table Analysis
- Segmentation
- Special Data Rules
- Transforming Data
- Logistic Regression for Matched Case-Control Studies
- Correlations and Multivariate Techniques
- Clustering Data
- Analyzing Principal Components and Reducing Dimensionality
- Performing Discriminant Analysis
- Fitting Partial Least Squares Models
- Scoring Tests Using Item Response Theory
- Plotting Surfaces
- Visualizing, Optimizing, and Simulating Response Surfaces
- Comparing Model Performance
- References
- Statistical Details
- Index
Product information
- Title: JMP 10 Modeling and Multivariate Methods
- Author(s):
- Release date: March 2012
- Publisher(s): SAS Institute
- ISBN: 9781612901985
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