Chapter 13

Opening Acts for Younger Talent

In This Chapter

arrow Recognizing the benefits of the youngest generation of workers

arrow Sharing key tips for new and recent college graduates

arrow Scripting effective rookie interview answers

Hi there, new or recent college graduates! As a Millennial or Gen Y’er, you’re in a huge generation that’s movin’ on up to run the workplace show in the foreseeable future.

Researchers tag you as a new breed of techno-savvy worker. They say that you’re early adopters who are constantly hooked up to multiple devices in order to know who and what you need to know. You text, you tweet, you Facebook. You are connected to the world!

So What’s the Problem?

But wait . . . although acknowledging the blessings of your magnificent digital sophistication, today’s employers aren’t ready to say all is well with your generation as workers, you self-indulgent young rascals, you.

They who still call the shots are highly critical of behavior like this:

check.png You show up for work with exposed midriffs that display a belly ring.

They find you audaciously texting senior managers with requests ...

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