Chapter 1

Best Messages: Land Jobsand Leap Ahead

In This Chapter

arrow Saying hello to a bevy of winning messages in the New Digital Age

arrow Learning the ropes of writing great job search letters from top pro writers

arrow Guarding your new letters’ good looks as they travel online to change your life

A new blast of recruiting technology is blowing the hinges off the way we once pursued a job search when we applied, got a call, went in for an interview, and either got hired or continued looking until we hit pay dirt.

Just as computers and the Internet forever changed the way job seekers find hiring companies, digital technology is forever changing the way job seekers sell hiring companies.

This book, aimed at virtually every job seeker, is rich with sample letters showing you how to sell companies on the benefits of hiring you. You’ll find a wealth of letters to grow your know-how in Chapters 4 through 11.

There’s more. After you’re hired, you’ll want to be rewarded for your valuable work with a boost in money and clout. That’s why Chapter 13 contains more sample letters, to help you accomplish your career progression.

A Brief Kaleidoscope of Letter Types

More specifically, you may be amazed ...

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