Chapter 10

Interview Leave-Behind Docs

In This Chapter

arrow Leaving something powerful to remember you by

arrow Directing hiring attention to your most marketable self

arrow Sampling focused messages that make you special

Try to seal the deal at the end of a job selection interview by proffering a new kind of self-marketing document that your competition may not even know exists: the interview leave-behind.

The leave-behind (LB) doc is a new kind of power tool that’s muscular enough to win the job in a competitive hiring situation. Why? Unlike your resume, which can be cluttered with all kinds of information, the LB zooms in on specific reasons why, after a job selection interview, you should be hired for the open job.

Typically a single page or two pages filled with data about a topic highly relevant to the specific job for which you are interviewing, the LB describes more details of your accomplishments, skills, or other hiring attractions than does your resume.

Leave-behinds are presented in hard copies at the selection interview.

A Leave-Behind Brings You to Mind

Imagine yourself included in a group of six people on a “short list” for the same job. Now imagine a stretched-thin hiring manager ...

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