
In the modern job market, no tool is more capable of shortening your job search and helping you become successful in your career than social media — online networks that foster interaction with other people. Social media tools have become key resources for hiring managers who, on smaller budgets, turn to their network to fill positions. Social media sites have also grown to augment business networking and have become vital marketplaces for the exchange of goods and services through trusted connections. Job Searching with Social Media For Dummies, 2nd Edition, takes the topic most job-searching books treat as a single chapter — using social media — and gives it the depth and focus it deserves in today’s competitive job market.

When I was laid off for the second time in six months, I started to rely heavily on social media to get back on my feet. During that time, I developed a personal brand that worked for me, I began networking in person and online, and I started reaching out to people at companies I wanted to work at. Pretty soon the job opportunities started to roll in as I received several offers. But something inside me wasn't ready to start work again. That's when I started Career Enlightenment so I could help other people figure out social media and find jobs. I've watched countless clients slide right into the job of their dreams, using the tools and techniques I share with you in this book. And after years of research, writing, and client work, my blog ...

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