Chapter 2: Obtaining and Installing Joomla!


Obtaining the files necessary to install the Joomla! CMS

Using the resources of

Installing Joomla! on your local computer or in-house server

Installing Joomla! on a web host, either manually or through the use of an automated installer

Getting started with Joomla! couldn't be easier. Because Joomla! is open source software, it is freely available for download on the web, and in some cases you may find that it is already available as part of your web-hosting package. In either case, once you have access to the installer package, you will go through a simple installation process to get Joomla! up and running on your server.

The Joomla! installer employs a wizard-style interface that allows you to simply click through a short series of steps. While you do not need any technical knowledge, you are prompted to provide some basic information to complete the process. The installer also includes an option to populate your new site with sample contents that can help you learn your way around Joomla!. Once the installer does its magic, you can immediately start working on the contents and appearance of your website.

This chapter looks at the basics of obtaining the Joomla! files and installing them on your server. Follow the steps in this chapter, and by the end, you will have a complete Joomla! installation up and ready to go.

Getting the Installation Files

Before you can begin, you need to obtain the Joomla! installer ...

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