Chapter 7: Employing Advanced Content Management Techniques
Displaying content using modules
Highlighting most recent content
Highlighting most popular content
Helping visitors discover related content
Displaying random images
Using modules inside of articles
Enriching your site with external content
Managing content from the front end of your site
In previous chapters, I discussed the basics of Joomla! content management. In this chapter, I take a look at some of the more advanced techniques that you can use to create a richer content experience for your visitors, and I look at the tools that enable content contribution and management from the front end of your Joomla! site.
While my focus up to this point has been on using the Joomla! content management tools to create articles and display them inside the main content area of your site, there are other ways to display content on your site's pages. The modules included with the default system, for example, provide numerous content display options. Additionally, functions like the Newsfeed component and the Feed Display module allow you to bring external content into your site. This chapter discusses how to integrate these options into your site and make them part of the content mix.
Joomla! can also be configured to allow users to submit articles to your site and to create a workflow around content contributed from the front end. The system provides a number of tools to enable this functionality, thereby giving ...