Welcome to the Joomla! Bible. Like all books in the Bible series, you can expect to find both hands-on tutorials and real-world practical applications, as well as reference and background information that provide a context for what you are learning. This book is a fairly comprehensive resource on the Joomla! open source content management system. By the time you have completed the Joomla! Bible you will be well prepared to build and maintain a Joomla!-based web site.
Joomla! is in the forefront of one of the most dynamic trends in open source software: the rise of open source content management systems (CMS). Historically, a web content management system was a very expensive investment. Open source has changed all that. There are now a number of options that allow site developers and site owners to tap into the power of building CMS-powered web sites.
Of all the options that exist in the market today, perhaps none is more popular than Joomla! — certainly none is growing more quickly than Joomla!. At the time this book was written, Joomla! had just passed the 10 million downloads mark. A truly significant achievement given the relatively short history of the project.
If you are a designer looking to build functional web sites for your clients, Joomla! is an excellent tool. If you are a developer looking for a framework upon which to develop custom functionality, Joomla! can meet your needs. And if you are simply a web site owner who wants to take control of their web site, ...
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