Chapter 13. Ten Top Joomla Extensions

In This Chapter

  • Opening shop online

  • Permitting blog users to comment

  • Adding Flash to your site

  • Posting an events calendar

One of the most powerful and attractive aspects of Joomla is that you can extend it easily via downloadable templates, modules, components, and plug-ins. In this chapter, we present ten of the top Joomla extensions, all of which are written to be native to Joomla 1.5. All are available from the official Joomla extensions site,, and most are free. If an extension isn't free, it offers a free trial — typically, for 30 days.

Joomla is a powerful content management system out of the box, but it can use a few additional elements. Take a look at the extensions listed in this chapter; you may find something that would go well on your site. (For more information about installing extensions, see Chapter 12.)


Think twice before downloading and installing an extension rated with fewer than four stars. If it has fewer than four stars, read the reviews to find out what the issue is and to see whether it applies to you.


As we discuss in Chapter 12, you should use extensions native to Joomla 1.5 (assuming that you're using Joomla 1.5). The listings for those extensions — including all the extensions in this chapter — have a "1.5 native" icon.


VirtueMart is a complete, if complex, online store system that displays ...

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