Chapter 12. jQuery Plugins

Mike Hostetler


A primary goal of the jQuery JavaScript library is to remain a fast and concise alternative to other JavaScript libraries that are available in the open source world. A key principle toward this goal is ensuring that the jQuery core addresses the needs of most developers, while remaining fast and concise. Developers may have needs that aren’t completely satisfied by the jQuery core. Or, a developer may write an extension to core jQuery functionality that may be useful to a significant segment of jQuery users but shouldn’t be included in the jQuery core.

jQuery was designed to be extensible in a variety of ways. The recipes in this chapter are intended to introduce the reader to the world of jQuery plugins.

12.1. Where Do You Find jQuery Plugins?


You’re trying to build something with jQuery that requires functionality that doesn’t exist in the jQuery core. The problem is one that other developers have likely run into before, and you think a plugin may exist. Where should you start looking to find plugins, and how should you evaluate the plugins that you find?


Search through the following repositories for jQuery plugins:

jQuery Plugin Repository

Google Code


Google with special queries



There are a few places around the Web that jQuery plugins may be found. Because of the nature of jQuery plugins, ...

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