Implementation in Julia

There are many good and tested libraries for deep learning in popular programming languages:

  • Theano (Python)  can utilize both CPU and GPU (from the MILA Lab at the University of Montreal)
  • Torch (Lua) is a Matlab-like environment (from Ronan Collobert, Clement Farabet, and Koray Kavukcuoglu)
  • Tensorflow (Python) makes use of data flow graphs
  • MXNet (Python, R, Julia, C++)
  • Caffe is the most popular and widely used
  • Keras (Python) based on Theano
  • Mocha (Julia) by Chiyuan Zhang

We will mainly go through Mocha for Julia, which is an amazing package written by Chiyuan Zhang, a PhD student at MIT.

To start, add the package as follows:


Network architecture

Network architecture in Mocha refers to a set of layers: ...

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