Data processing

If you would like to follow along, here is how I processed the raw data using Julia:

# load the raw data file as a DataFrame 
julia> using CSV, DataFrames julia> df ="une_rt_m_1.tsv", header = true, delim = '\t') 
1×157 DataFrames.DataFrame. Omitted printing of 148 columns 

This is what it looks like in a Jupyter Notebook:

In the next step, we will extract the values by selecting a DataFrame composed of 1 row and 2 columns to end and converting it into an Array:

julia> values = convert(Array, df[1, 2:end]) 1×156 Array{Union{Missing, String},2}: "21 974" "22 303" "22 085" "21 036" "20 849" ... # output omitted 

Now, ...

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