© Antonello Lobianco 2019
A. LobiancoJulia Quick Syntax Referencehttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5190-4_2

2. Data Types and Structures

Antonello Lobianco1 
Nancy, France

Julia natively provides a fairly complete and hierarchically organized set of predefined types (especially the numerical ones). These are either scalar—like integers, floating-point numbers, and chars,—or container-like structures able to hold other objects—like multidimensional arrays, dictionaries, sets, etc.

In this chapter, we discuss them, and in the Chapter 4, where we cover Julia custom types, we consider their hierarchical organization.

Every value (even the primitive ones) has its own unique type. By convention types start with a capital letter, such as Int64 or Bool ...

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