© Arshad Khan 2016

Arshad Khan, Jumpstart Tableau, 10.1007/978-1-4842-1934-8_24

24. Dependency in Quick Filters

Arshad Khan

(1)Fremont, California, USA

Objective: This exercise demonstrates how two filters can be made dependent, which is also known as cascading filters

If there are two Quick Filters on a worksheet, the items displayed in the second filter can be made dependent on the item selected in the first filter. The filters can be set up so that, for example, if Africa is selected as the Region in the first filter, only the countries in Africa will be displayed in the Countries Quick Filter—instead of every country in every region.

Figure 24-1 displays a visualization based on Sales by Region.

Figure 24-1. Visualization where two filters will ...

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