Configuring IKE
To use dynamic SAs, you must configure IKE. To define global IKE properties, which apply to all IKE proposals, include one or more of the following statements:
[edit security ike]
authentication-algorithm (md5 | sha1);
authentication-method pre-shared-keys;
dh-group (group1 | group2);
encryption-algorithm (3des-cbc | des-cbc);
lifetime-seconds seconds;
To define proposal-specific properties, include one or more of the following statements:
[edit security ike proposal ike-proposal-name] authentication-algorithm (md5 | sha1); authentication-method pre-shared-keys; dh-group (group1 | group2); encryption-algorithm (3des-cbc | des-cbc); lifetime-seconds seconds;
You can configure one or more IKE proposals. Each proposal is a list ...
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