Chapter . Acronyms
2.5G | next-generation |
3G | third-generation |
ABR | area border router |
ACL | access control list |
ADM | add-drop multiplexer |
AN | acknowledgment number |
API | application programming interface |
APS | automatic protection switching |
ARP | Address Resolution Protocol |
AS | autonomous system |
ASBR | autonomous system border router |
ASIC | application-specific integrated circuit |
ASN | abstract syntax notation |
AT | address table |
ATM | Asynchronous Transfer Mode |
BDR | backup Designated Router |
BERT | bit error rate test |
BGP | Border Gateway Protocol |
BGP4 | Border Gateway Protocol version 4 |
BSR | Bootstrap router |
CBGP | confederation BGP |
CBR | constant bit rate |
CBT | core-based tree |
CCC | circuit cross connect |
CCSI | Cisco Certified System Instructor |
CE | customer edge |
Chk | checksum |
CIDR | classless interdomain routing |
CIP | connector interface panel |
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