List of Listings
Chapter 1. Fundamentals
Chapter 2. Elementary tests
Listing 2.1. Testing Money.equals() with EqualsTester
Listing 2.2. Testing Money.equals() with EqualsHashCodeTestCase
Listing 2.3. Song.getDurationInMinutes()
Listing 2.4. An alternate implementation of Song.getDurationInMinutes()
Listing 2.5. An easier-to-test BankTransferAction
Listing 2.6. BankTransferActionTest
Listing 2.8. A more complete IteratorTest
Listing 2.9. Using ValueObjectEqualsTest with five key properties
Chapter 3. Organizing and building JUnit tests
Listing 3.1. Simple Money test
Listing 3.2. MoneyTest before moving code into setUp()
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