Automation of Operations
One of the major causes of network downtime is the introduction of simple mistakes in a configuration through typos or lack of configuration experience. Though there is no way to prevent all human error in your network, JUNOS software has features that attempt to mitigate the effects of these types of errors.
Configuration Management
A key strength of the software is the fact that configuration changes must be explicitly committed to the system and that they do not take effect without some form of basic validation, either through the automated configuration checks built into the commit function of the CLI or through network-specific commit scripts developed using the JUNOS application programming interfaces (APIs). The JUNOS operating system also stores previously used configurations, and either changes can be manually rolled back or the JUNOS software can be set to automatically roll back the changes if connectivity is lost.
Application Programming Interfaces
Although you have probably used SNMP in a network, it may not have provided the flexibility and information that were critical in protecting the high availability of your network. To provide high availability reporting and information, JUNOS supports standards such as SNMP, but it also provides APIs that allow client/server applications to be designed and built to read and write configuration and operating information from the Juniper Networks device using the Juniper Extensible Markup Language (XML) API. ...
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