Chapter 5. Managing Apache Kafka Programmatically

There are many CLI and GUI tools for managing Kafka (we’ll discuss them in Chapter 9), but there are also times when you want to execute some administrative commands from within your client application. Creating new topics on demand based on user input or data is an especially common use case: Internet of Things (IoT) apps often receive events from user devices, and write events to topics based on the device type. If the manufacturer produces a new type of device, you either have to remember, via some process, to also create a topic, or the application can dynamically create a new topic if it receives events with an unrecognized device type. The second alternative has downsides, but avoiding the dependency on an additional process to generate topics is an attractive feature in the right scenarios.

Apache Kafka added the AdminClient in version 0.11 to provide a programmatic API for administrative functionality that was previously done in the command line: listing, creating, and deleting topics; describing the cluster; managing ACLs; and modifying configuration.

Here’s one example. Your application is going to produce events to a specific topic. This means that before producing the first event, the topic has to exist. Before Apache Kafka added the AdminClient, there were few options, none of them particularly user-friendly: you could capture an UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION exception from the producer.send() method and let your user ...

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