© Manuel Carrasco Molina 2019
M. Carrasco MolinaKarma-based API on Apple Platformshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4291-9_3

3. Location and MapKit

Manuel Carrasco Molina1 
Düren, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

This is what I consider as the most crucial information. It’s in many places other than the Location and MapKit framework themselves.

This chapter starts by explaining how the location is gotten at all from iOS. Then it gets deeper about the User location and generally the asynchronousness of it.

We’ll also look at the difference between an app having access to your location at any time (that is, in the background) or only when you app is running in the foreground. Bear in mind, though, that foreground doesn’t necessarily mean your app is ...

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