CHAPTER 7AI in the Modern Software World
The first half of the book is focused on Artificial Intelligence and particularly on Deep Learning. It included examples of using Machine Learning and Deep Learning to extract patterns from data and drive outcomes like classification and regression. You saw a full example of collecting data of soft drink brand logos, augmenting the data to generate more training samples, and building a deep neural network to classify these images. You used transfer learning to take a proven architecture and customize it for a specific problem. Hopefully, with all this knowledge, you are equipped to analyze your own dataset and build models to analyze it.
In the second half of the book, we try to bridge the gap between data scientists who are the algorithm experts building models and software developers who build the code that runs into production. We see how the ML and DL models we build can be packaged with software code and deployed for real‐time inference with live data from the field.
In this chapter, we take the data scientist hat off for a bit and put on the software developer's hat. We talk about how software development has evolved over the years; what kind of modern applications are being developed; and what improvements are happening in the process and tools for building software. It's important to understand these issues because this is the new domain and environment for which we need to build and deploy our ML models.
We talk about the growth ...
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