Unix as a Kerberos Client

There are three major steps to setting up a Unix-based Kerberos client or Kerberized application server: compiling the distribution, installing configuration files, and creating host and service principals if necessary. The first step, compiling the distribution, has already been discussed in the “Building the distribution” sections (under the appropriate heading for your chosen Kerberos implementation); follow the directions to build and install the client libraries.

Next, we’ll create configuration files on each of the clients. Both MIT and Heimdal use a configuration file located in /etc/krb5.conf. This configuration file contains the name and addresses of all KDCs that the client can communicate with. Alternatively, this information can be placed in DNS, as discussed in Section 4.5. Since most Kerberos installations are still using configuration files, we’ll discuss them.

We saw a simple krb5.conf file earlier, when we set up the MIT KDC above. That template still applies for clients, and in fact, the /etc/krb5.conf configuration file can be copied straight from the KDC to all of the clients. If you want to tweak the configuration file anyway, there are three stanzas that are important for client configuration: libdefaults, realms, and domain_realm.

Let’s start with a sample configuration file. It should look familiar; it is the same one presented in the KDC installation section (Section 4.4):

[libdefaults] default_realm = WEDGIE.ORG [realms] WEDGIE.ORG ...

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