Key Management Development Models

Book description

Key Management Development Models provides the crucial information you need to develop your skills as a manager. Divided into two parts (Part 1: Developing Yourself & Part 2: Working with Others), each tool, model or idea will ensure you:
·    understand yourself better
·    understand how others perceive you
·    develop your credibility at work
·    make better choices in your management of others
·    become a more rounded professional, able to adapt your style to get the best out of yourself and others

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Table of Contents
  4. About the author
  5. Acknowledgements
  6. Preface
  7. Using this book
    1. PART ONE Happiness
      1. 1 Positive affirmations
      2. 2 Positive mental attitude and content reframing
    2. PART TWO Memory and recall
      1. 3 Loci method
      2. 4 Number/rhyme method
    3. PART THREE Motivation
      1. 5 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
      2. 6 Glasser’s choice theory
      3. 7 Pink’s model of motivation
    4. PART FOUR Personal change
      1. 8 Cognitive restructuring
      2. 9 The Secret/law of attraction (Byrne)
      3. 10 Seven habits of highly effective people (Covey)
    5. PART FIVE Problem solving and decision making
      1. 11 Force field analysis
      2. 12 Is/is not problem-solving technique
      3. 13 Ladder of inference (Argyris)
      4. 14 OODA loop
      5. 15 Polarity management
      6. 16 Vroom–Yetton–Jago decision model
    6. PART SIX Resilience
      1. 17 Kobasa and ‘hardiness’
    7. PART SEVEN Self-awareness
      1. 18 360° feedback
      2. 19 Emotional intelligence
      3. 20 Johari window
      4. 21 Multiple intelligences
    8. PART EIGHT Self-confidence and stress management
      1. 22 Anchoring a calm state
      2. 23 Meditation
      3. 24 Mindfulness
    9. PART NINE Time management, concentration and focus
      1. 25 Covey’s time matrix (Eisenhower)
      2. 26 Getting things done (Allen)
      3. 27 Wheel of life
    10. PART TEN Learning
      1. 28 Accelerated learning
      2. 29 Benziger’s thinking styles assessment
      3. 30 Kolb/Honey and Mumford learning styles
    11. PART ELEVEN Listening skills
      1. 31 Active listening
      2. 32 Critical listening
      3. 33 Relationship listening
    1. PART TWELVE Assertiveness
      1. 34 The broken record
      2. 35 Fogging
    2. PART THIRTEEN Coaching
      1. 36 CLEAR model (Hawkins)
      2. 37 GROW model (Whitmore et al.)
      3. 38 Solution-focused coaching (OSKAR)
    3. PART FOURTEEN Communication
      1. 39 DISC
      2. 40 Matching and mirroring
      3. 41 Storytelling
      4. 42 VAK (visual, auditory, kinaesthetic)
    4. PART FIFTEEN Conflict management
      1. 43 Betari box
      2. 44 Thomas–Kilmann conflict mode instrument
    5. PART SIXTEEN Creativity
      1. 45 Brain-friendly brainstorming
      2. 46 Challenging assumptions
      3. 47 PMI (plus, minus, interesting)
      4. 48 Random word technique
      5. 49 SCAMPER
    6. PART SEVENTEEN Giving feedback
      1. 50 EEC model
      2. 51 EENC
    7. PART EIGHTEEN Goal setting
      1. 52 Locke and Latham’s five principles
      2. 53 Reticular activating system
      3. 54 SMART goals
      4. 55 CASE – behavioural objectives
    8. PART NINETEEN Influence and persuasion
      1. 56 4Ps of persuasion
      2. 57 Bilateral brain theory
      3. 58 Embedded commands
      4. 59 Locus of control (Weiner’s attribution theory)
      5. 60 Positive language
      6. 61 Spheres of influence
    9. PART TWENTY Leadership
      1. 62 Action-centred leadership
      2. 63 Covert leadership
      3. 64 Leadership styles
    10. PART TWENTY-ONE Negotiation
      1. 65 Distributive bargaining (adversarial model)
      2. 66 Integrative bargaining
      3. 67 Harvard principled negotiation
      4. 68 RADPAC
    11. PART TWENTY-TWO Presentation
      1. 69 INTRO
    12. PART TWENTY-THREE Relationships
      1. 70 The four agreements (Ruiz)
      2. 71 Rapport building
      3. 72 Transactional analysis
    13. PART TWENTY-FOUR Teamwork
      1. 73 Sigmoid curve
      2. 74 Tick-box and high-performance teams
      3. 75 Extended Tuckman teamwork theory
  10. What did you think of this book?
  11. Index
  12. Endorsements
  13. Advertisements
  14. Imprint

Product information

  • Title: Key Management Development Models
  • Author(s): Mr. David Cotton
  • Release date: December 2015
  • Publisher(s): FT Publishing International
  • ISBN: 9781292110530