Chapter 16Case Studies on the Critical Success Factor Workshops
To show how the two-day critical success factor workshop is run, I have provided some examples of workshops I have been involved with. I hope these examples will clarify the process set out in Chapter 11, Finding Your Organization's Operational Critical Success Factors.
Private Sector Case Study #1: An Asian Conglomerate
An Asian conglomerate principally in the construction and design sector with around 600 staff wanted to improve its use of KPIs. A member of their team had attended a two-day KPI workshop I had presented earlier that year. The HR manager was responsible for a company-wide KPI program and implementation to align and consolidate further their current performance management system. A two-day workshop was organized, which was attended by a cross section of the company. Attendees from the company ranged from the CEO down to the staff in the operational areas. The vast bulk of the attendees were the company oracles, and there was over 700 years of corporate knowledge in the room.
The two-day CSF workshop, as set out in this book, was followed. From the first day workshop they came up with the following success factors broken ...
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