Performance Measures Database
The KPI team will have gathered and recorded performance measures from their research undertaken prior to the workshops including; discussions held with senior management; investigating company archives; reviewing existing monthly reports; and from communicating with other enterprises.
During the CSF and Performance measures workshops measures will be recorded, collated, and modified in a database that is available to all staff. This database will have a read-only facility for all employees. Amendment to the database measures only being permitted by the KPI team.
The following performance measures are provided to help start this process off. They will be a valuable resource to the KPI team when reviewing the workshop output for completeness. You can acquire this database electronically from (for a small fee).
I have been influenced by Stacey Barr's work and agree that it is beneficial to evaluate potential measures by asking two questions for each potential measure:
- How strong an indicator of performance is this measure (5 = very strong, 1 = very weak)?
- How feasible will it be to measure this (5 = very easy to measure as the data is already available, 3 = some data extraction and manipulation will be required, 1 = very difficult to gather data)?
The strength of measure should be evaluated with regard to the critical success factor you are working with. However, with this list I am giving weightings based on their ...
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