Appendix 5. Self-Surveys

Please write your answers, on a scale of 1–5, or fill in the blank where appropriate.

1 = Strongly Agree, 2 = Agree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Disagree, 5 = Strongly Disagree

Intergenerational Equity


I expect to leave my children enough assets to enable them to live at the same lifestyle our family currently enjoys, regardless of what kind of work they may do.


My children should have to work to support themselves at whatever lifestyle to which they may aspire.

____ percent

... is the approximate amount of my liquid assets I spend on average each year.

____ percent

... is the approximate annual return my portfolios have returned, on average over the past ten years.


At the rate I currently spend each year to support my lifestyle, my net worth will continue to appreciate in spending power over time.


My children will be prepared to manage the money they will likely inherit.


My children will be prepared emotionally to handle the assets they will eventually inherit.


My children will be prepared to adjust their expectations and standard of living regardless of whether they inherit substantial wealth or have to make their own way in the world.


I have communicated to my children my plans and expectations about the lifestyle they can expect to achieve (or not achieve) through their future inheritance.


I have considered what kind of legacy I want to leave future generations.



I believe it's important to specify certain conditions my children must meet ...

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