Chapter 13

The Customer Rage Index

Questions Answered
  • How hard do we make it for customers to do business with our organization?
  • How many customers did we make angry today and how angry are they?
  • How many customers are close to leaving?
  • How many product or service quality problems occurred today?
  • How likely is it that customers will post a negative review on social media?
  • How many avoidable mistakes did we make today?
  • To what extent have customers experienced bad service from our organization?
Why Is This Information Important?
I think it is rather obvious why this is important. Consumers have more power today than at any time in the past. One guy had the power to lower United Airlines’ stock price when a YouTube video song he did about United breaking his guitar went viral and was seen by millions. Many of us really pay attention to reviews and consumer feedback before buying a product or service. We have all been disappointed by products that don’t work as they promised or services that are poorly performed, so we now check before buying a lot of things. Mad customers often don’t bother filling out surveys or even doing an online review. They just don’t go back. Or they put up with the mistakes time and time again until they reach a boiling point and take their business elsewhere. By measuring how much you aggravate your customers you not only predict their future loyalty better than any survey can do, but you predict the likelihood that ...

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