The A*-Based Alien Sprite
In a similar manner to AlienQuadSprite
, AlienAStarSprite
is a subclass of AlienSprite
and overrides its superclass's playerHasMoved()
and move()
The alien calculates a path to the player using the A* pathfinding algorithm. The path is stored as a sequence of tile coordinates that need to be visited to reach the player. In each call to move()
, the sprite moves to the next coordinate in the sequence, giving it a "player-chasing" behavior.
Planning a Move
Every time the user presses one of the move keys, the PlayerSprite
object moves to an adjacent tile, and it notifies WorldDisplay
by calling playerHasMoved()
. You don't want to recalculate a path after every player move since the change will be minimal but expensive to generate. Instead, the path is generated only when the player has moved MAX_MOVES
steps. This saves on computation and makes things a bit easier for the player:
// globals private final static int MAX_MOVES = 5; private int numPlayerMoves = 0; private ArrayList path; // tile coords going to the player private int pathIndex = 0; public void playerHasMoved(Point playerLoc) { if (numPlayerMoves == 0) calcNewPath(playerLoc); else numPlayerMoves = (numPlayerMoves+1)%MAX_MOVES; } private void calcNewPath(Point playerLoc) { path = aStarSearch( getTileLoc(), playerLoc ); pathIndex = 0; // reset the index for the new path }
The A* Algorithm
A* search finds a path from a start node to a goal node; in AlienTiles
, the starting point is the alien's ...
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