Chapter 1

Hello, Kindle Paperwhite

In This Chapter

arrow Figuring out which version of the Kindle Paperwhite you want

arrow Taking a short history class

arrow Finding out why your device is a delight

Welcome to the wonderful world of Kindle reading. Getting started with your Kindle Paperwhite is quick and easy. This chapter introduces the basic features of the Kindle Paperwhite and discusses the first steps in becoming a successful Kindler — a Kindle user and reader.

Choosing a Kindle Paperwhite

Before you purchase your Kindle Paperwhite, you need to consider the following:

  • How you connect to the Internet: Decide whether you want to connect to the Internet using only Wi-Fi (the Kindle Paperwhite) or Wi-Fi plus 3G (the Kindle Paperwhite 3G).

    tip_4c.eps Throughout this book, I use Kindle Paperwhite when referring to both models. When I need to differentiate between the two models, I call them the Wi-Fi–only Kindle Paperwhite and the Kindle Paperwhite 3G.

  • Whether you want offers and ads on your screensaver: You can purchase a Kindle Paperwhite that has special offers and sponsored screensavers, or you can buy ...

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