Chapter 7
Adding Documents
In This Chapter
Understanding Kindle-friendly file formats
Transferring documents from your computer
Sending files from a desktop, a browser, or an Android device
Sending documents by e-mail
Viewing PDFs on your Kindle Paperwhite
Paying fees to transfer documents
After you've had your Kindle Paperwhite for a while, you're sure to have downloaded e-books from the Kindle Store or from other online sources. But what if you want to read some of your own content on your Kindle Paperwhite? Most people have a massive collection of materials from work or school on their computers: reference manuals, lists, maps, correspondence, creative writing, and other personal documents. Wouldn't it be nice to have some of that content available on your Kindle Paperwhite as you travel or go about your daily life?
Or what if you're surfing the web and you see an interesting article ...
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