Section 8
Troubleshooting SSIS
- Lesson 47: Logging Package Data
- Lesson 48: Using Event Handlers
- Lesson 49: Troubleshooting Errors
- Lesson 50: Using Data Viewers
- Lesson 51: Using Breakpoints
Chapter 47
Logging Package Data
Most businesses want to keep track of the packages running on their servers. The logging options in SSIS enable you to record package information at run time. This lesson shows you how to use those built-in logging options. There is a whole new logging ability built into the SSIS catalog covered in Lesson 52.
To set up logging with the built-in SSIS logging option, right-click in the Control Flow of a package and select Logging. This action opens the Configure SSIS Logs window, as shown in Figure 47-1. To log information from the package you need to place a check next to the package name in the left pane.
The drop-down menu of provider types has the available logging locations where you can save the information from the package. The ...
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