Chapter 54
Configuring the Packages
When Microsoft was at the whiteboard trying to figure out how to make the SSIS developers and administrators’ lives easier, at the top of its list was the process of how to configure a package. Before, configuring packages was clunky and, in many cases, unsecure (storing passwords of packages would have been in clear text). Microsoft spent much of the SQL Server 2012 development effort focusing on that exact thing. You can now configure packages much more easily, as long as they’re in the project deployment model.
You can only configure packages that are deployed to the catalog. With the packages now deployed (as you learned in the previous lesson), you can find your packages in Management Studio under the Integration Services Catalogs node and SSISDB > Projects. When you expand the project, you’re ready to configure the packages to run in your environment. An example of when you can use this is when you have just finished development of a project and now want it to run in production by changing all the connections to point to production versus development.
Creating Environments
One really nice feature in SSIS is the ability to create environments. Environments are collections of properties for a customer, store, or workgroup. Imagine that your server hosts multiple customers: ...
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