Kodu for Kids: The Official Guide to Creating Your Own Video Games

Book description


Ever wanted to create your own video game? With Microsoft’s Kodu, you can.¿ It’s fun! And while you’re having fun, you’ll learn incredible problem-solving,¿ programming, and game design skills as well.

Kodu is a simple visual language that’s just for games, and you’ll be¿ amazed at just how much you can do with it. Yes, you! It’s perfect for people¿ who’ve never programmed before—whether they’re 8, 18, or 80. Kodu for¿ Kids teaches you all you need to know to create great Kodu games that you¿ can share with the world!

Don’t just read it! See it! New online videos show you what to do!


  • 1-Player Shooter

  • 2-Player Competition

  • Mission Quest

  • Side-Scroller Experience


  • Learn how games really work

  • Master Kodu’s easy tools, controls, and programming

  • Imagine your quest and plan your game

  • Script a great story

  • Create your characters and make them move and talk

  • Invent and build new worlds

  • Design weapons, targets, and objects

  • Build enemies and make them fight

  • Add amazing sound, music, and special effects

  • Set up multiple players, levels, and points

  • Discover expert tips and tricks for better games

  • Make everything work together

  • Share your games with players all over the world

  • Table of contents

    1. About This eBook
    2. Title Page
    3. Copyright Page
    4. Contents at a Glance
    5. Table of Contents
    6. Forewords
    7. About the Author
    8. Dedication
    9. Acknowledgments
    10. We Want to Hear from You!
    11. Reader Services
    12. Introduction
      1. Yes, You Can Be a Game Designer
      2. Kodu Is Way Fun!
      3. Kodu Offers So Much
      4. Walk Before You Run
      5. How to Use This Book
      6. Introducing Two New Friends: Kodu and Rover
      7. Get in Touch
    13. 1. Get Kodu: Download and Installation
      1. Downloading Kodu
      2. Installing Kodu
      3. Checking Whether Kodu Installed Properly
      4. Adding a Game Controller
      5. Moving On
    14. 2. Explore Kodu Game Lab: Basic User Controls and Tools
      1. Opening the Kodu Game Lab
      2. Navigating a New World
      3. Objects
      4. Moving On
    15. 3. Take a Test Drive: Controlling Objects and Terrain
      1. Programming an Object to Move and Jump
      2. Taking Rover for a Spin
      3. Adding More Terrain
      4. Save Your Progress
      5. Moving On
    16. 4. Missiles Locked and Loaded: Adding Targets and Firing Controls
      1. Adding Nonmoving Obstacles
      2. Making Objects Disappear
      3. Here Come the Missiles
      4. Changing a Game Setting
      5. Having Fun with Settings
      6. Save Your Progress
      7. Moving On
    17. 5. Player 1 Versus Player 2: Adding Players and Awarding Points
      1. Basic Game Elements
      2. Keeping Score
      3. Creating Different Point Awards
      4. Adding a Second Player
      5. Moving On
    18. 6. Build Your Own World: Moving Mountains and Painting Terrain
      1. It’s Not All About the Objects
      2. The Ground Brush
      3. Mountains and Molehills
      4. Much More World Building to Come
      5. Moving On
    19. 7. Difficult Targets to Hit: Increasing Game Difficulty and Path Following
      1. Increasing the Difficulty Level
      2. Where Did That Target Go?
      3. Score Programming
      4. Moving On
    20. 8. Dangerous Targets: Programming Enemies That Fire Back
      1. Targets That Fight Back
      2. Saucers Go Boom
      3. Game Over?
      4. Return Fire
      5. Moving On
    21. 9. Grab That Power Up: Using Pages for More Complex Programs
      1. Changing the Game Conditions
      2. Game Changer 1: Put Time Back on Clock
      3. Turn the Page
      4. Game Changer 2: Decrease Smart Saucer Speed
      5. Game Changer 3: Heal with Health Trees
      6. Moving On
    22. 10. The Cameras Are Rolling: Camera Controls for Solo and Multiplayer Games
      1. It’s All About Your Point of View
      2. Strange World
      3. Camera Modes
      4. In-Game Camera Changes
      5. Moving On
    23. 11. Good Game Design, Part 1: Tips and Tricks for Better Game Programming
      1. World Design: Tips and Tricks
      2. Game Management: Tips and Tricks
      3. Object Programming: Tips and Tricks
      4. Moving On
    24. 12. Adding Conversations and In-Game Instructions
      1. Add Fun Sounds to an Object
      2. Chit-Chat Between Objects
      3. Nontimed Conversations
      4. Adding In-Game Instructions
      5. Moving On
    25. 13. World Design: Creating Environmental Special Effects
      1. Your World’s Terrain and Sky Color Effects
      2. Do You Need a Breeze or a Hurricane?
      3. Lakes and Rivers
      4. Objects and Water
      5. Moving On
    26. 14. Games Should Be Heard: Programming Music and Sound Effects
      1. Adding a Game Music Soundtrack
      2. Programming Background Noise for Your World
      3. Adding Sound Effects
      4. Using Sound Effects for Player Conditions
      5. Moving On
    27. 15. Good Game Design, Part 2: More Tips and Tricks for Great Games
      1. Better Game Programming
      2. More World Design Tips and Tricks
      3. The Maze
      4. More Game Management Tips and Tricks
      5. More Object Programming Tips and Tricks
      6. Moving On
    28. 16. The Role of the Storyteller: Scripting Cut-Scenes Between Game Action
      1. Scripting a Cut-Scene
      2. Adding a Camera
      3. Scripted Conversation
      4. Scripted Movement
      5. The Second Conversation
      6. Game Cleanup
      7. Moving On
    29. 17. The Big Bag of Tricks
      1. Programming Features You Might Not Have Discovered
      2. Modifying Terrain Edit Speed
      3. Controlling Score Visibility
      4. The Great and Powerful Rock
      5. Using Description to Hold Comments
      6. Using Say Tiles to Hold Comments
      7. Using the Inline Tile to Save Time
      8. Using Multiple Game Controllers
      9. Configuring Missile Control
      10. Moving On
    30. 18. Join the Community: Online Help and Sharing Games
      1. The Kodu Game Lab Website
      2. The Kodu Community Forum
      3. Sharing Your Games
      4. Moving On
    31. 19. Good Game Design, Part 3: Giving Players a Great Experience
      1. Giving Players a Great Experience
      2. Game Design
      3. Game World Planning
      4. Game Rules and Objectives
      5. Balancing Fun and Difficulty
      6. Moving On
    32. 20. Sample Game 1: A One-Player Shooter
      1. Game 1 Overview
      2. Creating The Amazing Maze Chase
      3. Programming the Game
      4. Improving the Game
      5. Moving On
    33. 21. Sample Game 2: Two-Player Competition
      1. Game 2 Overview
      2. Creating Blip Bam Boom
      3. Programming the Game
      4. Improving the Game
      5. Moving On
    34. 22. Sample Game 3: On a Mission
      1. Game 3 Overview
      2. Creating The Dune Treasure
      3. Programming the Game
      4. Improving the Game
      5. Moving On
    35. 23. Sample Game 4: The Side-Scroller Experience
      1. Sample Game 4 Overview
      2. Creating Octo’s Aquarium
      3. Programming the Game
      4. Improving the Game
      5. Moving On
    36. 24. Closing Thoughts and Challenges
      1. Consider All You’ve Learned
      2. Where to Go from Here
      3. A Challenge for You
      4. Moving On
    37. A. The Kodu Developers
      1. Stephen Coy
      2. Matt MacLaurin
      3. Mark Finch
      4. Michael Miller
    38. Index
    39. Where Are the Companion Content Files?

    Product information

    • Title: Kodu for Kids: The Official Guide to Creating Your Own Video Games
    • Author(s): James F. Kelly
    • Release date: April 2013
    • Publisher(s): Que
    • ISBN: 9780133381016