Combat in NyetHack

Adding combat to NyetHack will put to use all that you have learned about object-oriented programming.

Each room in NyetHack will contain a monster for your hero to vanquish in the most graphic way that you know how: by nullifying it.

Add a monster property of nullable type Monster? to the Room class, and initialize it by assigning it a Goblin. Update Room’s description to let the player know whether the room has a monster to fight.

Listing 16.8  Adding a monster to each room (Room.kt)

open class Room(val name: String) {
    protected open val dangerLevel = 5
    var monster: Monster? = Goblin()

    fun description() = "Room: $name\n" +
            "Danger level: $dangerLevel\n" +
            "Creature: ${monster?.description ?: "none."}" open ...

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