Node pool

A node pool is a set of instances in GCP that share the same configuration. When we launch a cluster from the gcloud command, we pass --num-node=3 and the rest of the arguments. Then three instances will be launched inside the same pool, sharing the same configuration, using the same method:

# gcloud compute instance-groups list NAME LOCATION SCOPE NETWORK MANAGED INSTANCES gke-my-k8s-cluster-default-pool-36121894-grp us-central1-a zone k8s-network Yes 3 

Assume there is an expected heavy peak time for your service. As a Kubernetes administrator, you might want to resize your node pool inside the cluster.

# gcloud container clusters resize my-k8s-cluster --size 5 --zone us-central1-a --node-pool default-poolPool [default-pool] for ...

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